« 9. Rasmus Helbo 160 släde RNB 1, 8 hundar 24. Angela Wiatowski »

10. Lisa Bonato (33)    

Race:   160 släde RNB 1, 8 hundar 2024 (Rookie)

Country: Italy

Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/lisa.bonato.9 https://www.facebook.com/lisa.bonato.9

Sleddogclub: Club Italiano Sleddog

Nr of years with mushing: 8

Other long-distance experience:
Middle distance:
LGO Trophy Royal Canin 2023: 2 place
Nockeberge long trail 2023: 1 place
Lekkarod Trophy Andreas Kraft: 4 place
LGO Trophy 2022: 4 place

Number of items in the Polar Distance: 0

Why long distance:
Because being out in the nature lot of hour with my dogs is the only way for feel me and my dogs alive. I love the wilderness, I love explore, I love adventure, dogs, snow and mountains.

The strategy for the race:
I only want enjoy this amazing trip from the beggining to (hope) the end, since it is the first time I will make a long distance race.

Special dogs in the team: Robin., my leader, my shadow.

Other information: none